Sunday, July 17

Being Worthy

I am indulging in my studies, right now. I love studying, acquiring knowledge and figuring it all out in just one split second. I love logical thinking, and being the first to arrive at the right answers to all the questions.

I love scoring high marks, because they give me the satisfaction, knowing that I can do something great.

People ask me every now and then... what gives me the motivation to excel academically?

I tell them I'm a workaholic. That's true, but it's only part of the reason.

I figure having been kicked around since preschool had some effects on me. This one included.

Having had my dignity bruised and scarred so many times, I decided, at age 16 I'd really soar up high in the world of academics. I wanted to prove to every single soul that I worthed a hell lot. I'd excelled, and it's been my pride every since.

I know a girl, who also survived being bullied throughout high school. She's also eighteen, and she works as a part-time model for a magazine for guys. She's not conventionally pretty, but she's just the kind people would turn their heads right around to get a good glimpse at her. Looking at the pictures she'd posed in (some of which are, I should say, provocative), and her comments about them on Facebook, I could easily tell that she is doing all those things to hide her insecurity, and add some points to her self-worth.

We both shared one similarity: We don't take any insult.

Which reminds me, that I score high marks in every test and exam, to conceal my bruised dignity, and add some points to my self-worth.

To all of you out there: In the end, we all worth something, unless you allow yourself to fall. Don't you ever let yourself go.

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